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Friday, March 13, 2009

okok. time to blog le la.. really spider web growing liao.
Ok so far about me, I am still working with singapore airlines, thank god, no retrenchment at the moment but i have to thank god for being so good to me, you noe. blessing me while i am at work, let me learn how to control my temper when i am at my edge by some irritating pax. Its going to be my 8month into this job liao, i like it alot though pay is not high but nvm so long i can get job satisfaction.
Secondly i am still thinking whether to continue my studies anot but maybe not in this economic downturn when finding jobs is so tough like the IR jobs 2000++ ppl for only 800 jobs. i really wonder how they choose man. but really i have to praise the lord for where i am now. haha
Thirdly, i am still with my dar dar ian tan aka tiger. life with him have change me, learning how to behave more ladylike cos dar dont like me to behave too you noe. its already hmmm 1yr 5mths with him le wor. he make me become more tolerant in life and yeah.
for ppl who are still reading my blog or finding me in msn and could not find me is cos i have been very busy, so tired after work. now starting to go work out to make my figure become nicer. so basically my time is split 4 ways liao. Work, family, Boyfriend and my friends.

Lastly, 3months back my ah ma was diagnose with early stroke then follow by my ah gong with heart attack. Both are my father's parents. So kind of worried for them as when i was young they brought me up while my parents work. so yeah have alot of gan jing with them lor. so when i heard they like that i feel so bad as when i started working shift i hav no time to even visit time. feel so nai jiu lor. so my goals for this year is to visit them more often lest one day they are gone. and one more last time be4 i stop my ah gong has been baptised on in feb this year after hmm i lost count of the years liao.

So i shall end here, tml meeting for lunch with my sec sch mates. wonder who is coming you noe. haha.

9:04:00 PM
Meow Meow

Monday, September 22, 2008

long time since i blog le wor.. i am not working in paragon le wor.. training at paragon, level 2, singapore airlines. me ar, working as customer service officer. so been there for like 2 weeks le. so far so good i guess. at times have been wondering wat am i doing here. why some ppl get to study while i am slogging my ass for my pay check. but never mind there may be some truth in it.. at least i get to see different ppl from different walks of life, this is something that i like. so far been wearing my uniform to work.. i look like a dumpling in it. when i got time to unload my camera then i will load the pics.. get a number of pics this one month that i have not posted in the blogs but in due time i will de.. haha. do keep a lookout ok.. got to rest le.. tml is a start of a new day..

9:38:00 PM
Meow Meow

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.

I am being tagged by my dear dear, ian tan

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? I will feel very very hurt..wallow in pity as to why he will betray me after all that i have done and give him...

#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? To live life to the fullest and do the test that i want to do without anyone saying no...

#3. What will your dream wedding be like? a place where my loved one loves..or maybe the place where we prefer..

#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? Maybe..but i knoe that everyone is different and that god has plan something new everyday for me...

#5. What’s your ideal lover like? Someone who like to smile..have the same frequency with me..someone who understand me..someone who can be naughty and gentle at times..someone who an make me happy....someone who knows when i am down....

6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone? being loved by someone is more blessed.

#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? If I think it is worthwhile to wait..maybe I will keep waiting for this person..

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? I will wish him happiness..but will still be there for him as a friend..no harm being friends right. more friends is better than enemies..

#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? Nothing really..stress maybe....

#10. Is being tagged fun? NO..... especially when u see wat ppl write and u are not happy with the answers....

#11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time? Maybe already married..maybe 1 or 2 children

#12. Who are currently the most important people to you?My family, my bf and my close friends...

#13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is? Loving, caring, always like 2 laugh and make me happy, friendly, fun and understanding..=)

#14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor? I would prefer to be married but poor..Coz being rich and single who is going to share the money with u.. but if u are married but poor at least u have some company who is willing to share the woes with u...

#15. What’s the first thing you do every morning? "Wa!! so fast it's morning again.." and sian i need to work...

#16. Would you give all in a relationship? Yes of course!! To make my loved one knows that I cared for this relationship..

#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick? I would only picked on one of them..the one whom I think I really love..

#18. What type of friends do you like? Any friends is alright for me as long as they don't give me trouble....

#19. What type of friends do you dislike? Someone who backstab, rude, mental ppl....

#20. If you have to choose between love and friendship, what would it be? Love as i find love is the powerful thing on earth..

Here's the 8 people that I'm going to tag..
alvin, kat, eileen, shelley, bae jie, mary, edwin and leonard

8:41:00 PM
Meow Meow

Thursday, July 31, 2008

ok.. my blog is going to be outdated soon le. after starting work since 15july, i cannot find time to blog, after work i will be so tired, so sleepy so lethargic. i dont even have the mood to talk. in my line of work, taking to customer is a must, and talking on phone is also part of it. so yeah, i will be so tired talking and getting scolded by them. over issue that it may seems so simple and dull. nvm i just have to get use to it u noe. i have to work for my pay check, cannot expect someone to yan wor de ma. i have to earn some money to buy good stuff for myself. thinking wat should i buy with my first pay check. haha... wonder how should i spend it or should i keep it. enough for today le, i did not sleep for the day before, so i am super the uper tired. why le, cos the singapore airlines held a chalet for one of its new campaign, TCS roadshow. TCS means transforming customer service so i together with my 3 other collugues and my trainer are suppose to help out and so we stay overnight. staying overnight means not be able to sleep so good le. and during this chalet on the sideline i learn some things about mahjong which i play and lost 5.8, i have a capital of 12.. haha so overall i enjoy it very much. thats all for now.

8:54:00 PM
Meow Meow